April 30, 2023
Fourth Sunday of Easter A
[full band]
Prelude Take My Life - Tomlin/Giglio
Gathering I Will Follow - Tomlin/Ingram/Morgan
Sprinkling Rite [omitted 2023] Lead Us To The Water (Dismissal, live 20110501) - Kendzia
Gloria Gloria - Maher/Le/Ndolo
Responsorial Psalm Ps. 23 Nothing I Shall Want - Navarro
Ps. 23: 1-3a, 3b4, 5, 6
Gospel Acc Alleluia - Angrisano
Profession of Faith Profession of Faith - Navarro
Preparation Overflow - Maher (shorten if no collection)
Eucharistic Acc. Holy, Holy - Maher/Le/Ndolo
When We Eat This Bread - Maher/Le/Ndolo
Great Amen - Maher/Le/Ndolo
Our Father - Croskey
Lamb of God - Maher/Le/Ndolo
Communion 1: Hungry - Scott
Communion 2: Draw Me Close - Carpenter
Sending Forth Amen (Because He Lives) - Tomlin/Maher/etal
Themes: repentance, authority, perseverance, shepherd, conviction, exhortation