January 24, 2021
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time B
[vocal + piano]
Gathering I Will Follow - Tomlin
Gloria -- [recited]
Responsorial Psalm -- [recited]
( Ps. 40 Here Am I, Lord - Navarro )
Ps. 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10
Gospel Acc -- [recited]
Profession of Faith -- [recited]
Preparation -- [skipped]
Eucharistic Acc. Holy, Holy - Maher/Le/Ndolo
[all recited] When We Eat This Bread - Maher/Le/Ndolo
Great Amen - Maher/Le/Ndolo
Our Father - Croskey
Lamb of God - Maher (echo)
Communion 1: Jesus, My Everything - Maher
[Communion 2: To the Ends of the Earth - Houston/Sampson]
Sending Forth Alive Again - Maher
Themes: repentence, preparation, revelation, enlightenment, discipleship, obedience, trust, change