Electric Guitar
Stu is a bit of a multi-instrumentalist having played piano, drums, guitar and bass through various times in his life starting from age 5. Guitar has been his main instrument for the past 30+ years and he has played in a few bands over that time. In 2005 Stu started attending St. Michael’s church and was immediately and deeply inspired by the contemporary flavour of music being played by the band which was so different than what he’d heard at other Catholic churches in the past. He then joined the conventional band playing electric guitar but a year later switched to bass on a “temporary” basis when the need arose. He found playing bass, and building new relationships with his fellow band-members, to be extremely enjoyable so ten years later he is still playing bass once a month in the conventional masses. However, he often felt a deep desire to play electric guitar at St Michael’s and is now very proud and honoured to have the opportunity to play amazing music with all of the incredibly talented musicians in the Inspirition band and to contribute to the spiritual and emotional enrichment of the celebration of the mass.