September 25, 2022
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time C
[full band]
26th Ordinary C
salvation, avarice, pride, slothfulness, humility, righteousness, justice, warning, invitation
Above All - Leblanc/Baloche
Sometimes By Step - Mullins/Baker
Gloria - Maher/Le/Ndolo
Ps. 146 Praise the Lord, O My Soul - Navarro
Ps. 146: 7,8-9,0-10
Celtic Alleluia - O'Carroll/Walker
Though our Lord Jesus Christ was rich, he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich.
Profession of Faith - Navarro
Amazing Love/You Are My King - Foote (bridge + chorus)
Lamb of God - Maher/Le/Ndolo
Gift of Finest Wheat - Kreutz
Love On the Line - Murphy/Ligertwood
Just Like You - Maher
Prelude --
Gathering --
Gloria Gloria - Maher/Ndolo/Le
Responsorial Psalm --
Ps. --
Gospel Acc Celtic Alleluia - O'Carroll/Walker
Alleluia - Angrisano
Alleluia, Sing Praise to the Lord - Fisher
Profession of Faith Profession of Faith - Navarro
Preparation --
Eucharistic Acc. Holy, Holy, Holy - Maher/Le/Ndolo
[all recited] When We Eat This Bread - Maher/Le/Ndolo
Great Amen - Maher/Le/Ndolo
Our Father - Croskey
Lamb of God - Szabo
Communion 1: --
Communion 2: --
Sending Forth --