November 12, 2017
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time A
Gathering Lord Reign In Me - Brown
Gloria Gloria - Maher/Le/Ndolo
Responsorial Psalm Ps. 63 My Soul Is Thirsting for You - Navarro
Ps. 63:2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8
Gospel Acc Alleluia - Angrisano
"Stay awake and be ready! For you do not know on what day your Lord will come."
Profession of Faith Profession of Faith - Navarro
Preparation I Will Rise - Tomlin/Maher/Giglio/Reeves
Eucharistic Acc. Holy, Holy - Maher/Le/Ndolo
When We Eat This Bread - Maher/Le/Ndolo
Great Amen - Maher/Le/Ndolo
Our Father - Croskey
Lamb of God - Maher (echo)
Communion 1: You Alone Are All I Need - Houghton
Communion 2: We Fall Down - Tomlin
Sending Forth Everlasting God - Brown/Riley
Themes: wisdom, prudence, promise, pursuit, hope, glory