April 3, 2016
2nd Sunday of Easter, Divine Mercy
Gathering Happy Day - Cantelon/Hughes
Gloria Gloria - Maher
Responsorial Psalm Ps. 118 Give Thanks to the Lord - Navarro
Ps. 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24
Gospel Acc Alleluia - Angrisano
Profession of Faith Profession of Faith - Navarro
Preparation When I Needed a Saviour - Redman
Eucharistic Acc. Holy, Holy - Maher
When We Eat This Bread - Maher
Great Amen - Maher
Our Father - Croskey
Lamb of God - Szabo
Communion 1: Gift of Finest Wheat - Kreutz
Communion 2: Your Presence Is Heaven - Houghton
Sending Forth Just Like You - Maher
Themes: faith, healing, salvation, mercy, awe, faith, wonder