April 27, 2014
2nd Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy) A


Gathering             Alive Again - Maher/Ingram

Gloria                Gloria - Maher

Responsorial Psalm    Ps. 118 Give Thanks to the Lord - Navarro
                      Psalm 118: 2-4 / 13-15 / 22-23

Gospel Acc            Celtic Alleluia - O'Carroll/Walker

Profession of Faith   Profession of Faith - Navarro

Preparation           You Know Who I Am - Maher

Eucharistic Acc.      Holy, Holy - Maher

                      When We Eat This Bread - Maher
                      Great Amen - Maher
                      Our Father - Croskey
                      Lamb of God - Maher

Communion 1:          I Am the Bread of Life - Toolan

Communion 2:          Restless - Assad

Sending Forth         Glorious Day - Bleecker/Hall


Themes:  inheritance, salvation, doubt, restoration, awe