March 25, 2012
5th Sunday of Lent B

Gathering             Litany of Saints - Maher (Navarro)

                      Rite of Blessing of 1st Anniversary of Church Dedication

Gloria                [none during Lent]

Responsorial Psalm    Ps. 51 A Clean Heart - Navarro

                      Ps 51: 3-4, 12-13, 14-15

Gospel Acc            Praise To You, Lord Jesus Christ

Profession of Faith   Profession of Faith - Navarro

                      RCIA Third Scrutiny script, Elect and Candidates

Litany of Deliverance Litany of Deliverance - Navarro

                      RCIA Third Scrutiny script continues, Exorcism and Presentation of The Lord's Prayer

Dismissal of RCIA     Thy Word (chorus)

Preparation           Salvation Belongs To Our God - Bolduc/Howard/Turner

Eucharistic Acc.      Holy, Holy - Maher

                      When We Eat This Bread - Maher
                      Great Amen - Maher
                      Our Father - Croskey
                      Lamb of God - Maher

Communion 1:          Your Love Is Extravagant - Evans

Communion 2:          Jesus My Everything - Maher/Booth

Sending Forth         Cry of My Heart - Butler

Themes: serving others, service, discipleship, salvation, resurrection, eternal life