September 18, 2011
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time A

Gathering             Open the Eyes of My Heart - Baloche

Gloria                Glory To God - Haas

Responsorial Psalm    Ps. 145 The Lord Is Close - Navarro
                      Ps 145:2-3, 8-9, 17-18

Gospel Acc            Alleluia - Angrisano

Profession of Faith   Profession of Faith - Booth

Preparation           Sometimes By Step - Mullins

Eucharistic Acc.      Hosanna - Mallett
                      Memorial Acclamation B - Booth
                      Amen - Smith
                      Our Father - Croskey

                      Lamb of God - Maher

Communion 1:          Gift of Finest Wheat - Kreutz/Navarro

Communion 2:          Amazing Grace/My Chains Are Gone - traditional/Tomlin

Sending Forth         Your Grace Is Enough - Maher

Themes: forgiveness, grace,