April 25, 2010
4th Sunday of Easter C
Gathering Come, Now Is the Time To Worship - Doerksen
Gloria Gloria 2:30 - BoothResponsorial Psalm Ps. 100 Chosen By God - Navarro
Gospel Acc Alleluia Gospel Acclamation - Angrisano-Modlin
Profession of Faith Profession of Faith - Booth
(with Sprinkling water)
Preparation You Are Mine - Haas
Eucharistic Acc. Holy - Angrisano
Christ Has Died - Angrisano
Amen - Angrisano
Our Father - Croskey
Lamb of God - Angrisano
Communion 1: Shepherd Me, O God - Haugen
Communion 2: Breathe - Barnett
Communion 3: --
Sending Forth My Redeemer Lives - Morgan