September 20, 2009
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gathering I See You - Mullins
Gloria Glory To God - BoothResponsorial Psalm Psalm 54 The Lord Upholds My Life - Navarro
Gospel Acc (Celtic) Alleluia – O'Carroll/Walker
Profession of Faith Profession of Faith - Booth
Preparation Cry The Gospel - Booth
Eucharistic Acc. Offering - Third Day
Hosanna - Mallet
Memorial Acclamation B - Booth
Amen - Smith
Our Father - Croskey
Lamb of God - Maher
Communion 1: One Bread, One Body - Foley
Communion 2: How Great Is Our God - Tomlin
Communion 3: --
Sending Forth Let Everything That Has Breath - Redman