March 29, 2009
5th Sunday of Lent

Gathering             40 Days - Maher

Gloria                [none during Lent]

Responsorial Psalm    Psalm 51  A Clean Heart - Navarro
Gospel Acc            Praise To You Lord Jesus Christ

Profession of Faith   [recited] 

                      3rd Scrutiny

Preparation           Take My Life - Tomlin

Eucharistic Acc       Offering - Third Day
                      Hosanna - Maher
                      Memorial Acclamation B - Booth (Mass of St. Anthony)
                      Amen - Smith (Mass of St. Anthony)
                      Our Father - Croskey
                      Lamb of God - Maher

Communion 1:          Here I Am - Booth
Communion 2:          How Great Is Our God - Tomlin
Communion 3:          --

Sending Forth         That Where I Am - Mullins