August 9, 2009
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gathering Hosanna - Fraser
Gloria Gloria (2:30) - Booth
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 34 Taste and See - Navarro
Gospel Acc (Celtic) Alleluia – O'Carroll/Walker
Profession of Faith Profession of Faith - Booth
Preparation Enough - Tomlin/Giglio
Eucharistic Acc. Offering - Third Day
Hosanna - Mallet
Memorial Acclamation B - Booth
Amen - Smith
Our Father - Croskey
Lamb of God - Maher
Communion 1: Bread of Life - Cooney
Communion 2: All I Need - Brewster/Chambers/Houghton
Communion 3: --
Sending Forth Behold the Lamb - Rice