April 26, 2009
3rd Sunday of Easter
Gathering Open the Eyes of My Heart - Baloche
Sprinkling of Water Lead Us To The Water (Dismissal version)
Gloria Glory To God - Booth
Responsorial Psalm Ps. 4 Let Your Face Shine - Navarro
Gospel Acc Alleluia (Celtic) - O'Carroll/Walker
Profession of Faith Profession of Faith - Booth
Preparation Mighty To Save - Morgan/Fielding
Eucharistic Acc Offering - Third Day
Holy, Holy - Booth
Memorial Acclamation - Moger
Amen - Moger
Our Father - Croskey
Lamb of God - Szabo
Communion 1: How Beautiful - Paris
Communion 2: All I Need - Brewster/Chambers/Houghton
Communion 3: --
Sending Forth Love Has Come - Maher