Planner for 3pm Mass on Good Friday 

(as performed) 

Gather in silence

Responsorial Psalm:  Ps. 31 Father, I Put My Life In Your Hands - Talbot

Gospel Acclamation:  Praise To You Lord Jesus Christ - Haugen, same verse as today (the Palm Sunday verse: "Christ was obedient...")

Passion Reenactment:
Kyrie Christe, Kyrie Eleison
Psalm 22  My God, My God - Navarro  (during Jesus carrying the cross)
     Chorus - Verse 2 - Chorus
Kyrie Christe, Kyrie Eleison
Jesus Remember Me

Our Father [sung]
Lamb of God - Poirier

Hungry - Scott
Nothin' But the Blood - Rice
Take My Life - Tomlin

Veneration of the Cross:
You Are My King - Foote
We Fall Down - Tomlin
You Are My All In All - Jernigan
Once Again - Redman
The Glory of It All - Crowder
Lead Me Home - Maher
Jesus Remember Me

Exit in Silence