Easter Vigil 2005
Exultet: Let Us Rejoice (Tracie w/ handheld mic)
1st Scripture: Genesis 1.1-2.2
Responsorial Psalm: Lord, Send Out Your Spirit – Hass (Shelley) (vs 1, 2)
2nd Scripture: Genesis 22:1-18 (Dramatization)
Responsorial Psalm: To You, O God, I Lift Up My Soul - Hurd (Tracie) (vs 1, 3)
3rd Scripture: Exodus 14:15-31; 15:20, 1
Responsorial Psalm: God’s Love is Everlasting – Tomaszek (Shelly) (vs 2)
4th Scripture: Isaiah 54:5-14
Responsorial Psalm: The Lord is Kind and Merciful – Modlin (Demetrio) (vs 1, 2)
5th Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-11 (Read/Sung by Tracie)
Responsorial Psalm: My Soul is Thirsting – Angrisano (Tracie) (vs 1, 2)
6th Scripture: Baruch 3:9-15, 32 – 4.4
Responsorial Psalm: Lord, You Have the Words – Bolduc (Shelley) (vs 2, 3)
7th Scripture: Ezekiel 36:16-17a, 18-28
Responsorial Psalm: Create New Hearts – Booth (Tracie) (vs 1, 2)
Gloria: Gloria (Booth 2:30) (Tracie)
Celtic Alleluia: (w/ cantored Easter verses) (All) (vs 1)
Move to Font: Lead Us to the Water (Tracie cantor)
Litany of Saints: Maher (Shelley cantor)
Blessing of Water: Blessed Are You, O God.
Bapt. Prof. Faith: Booth’s “Amen”
Celtic Alleluia: Chorus only (about 6 people)
Sprinkling Rite: Let the River Flow (Chorus only)
Process Candidates: Join in the Dance (w/ Flaggers)
Prayers of Faithful: Sung Cortez (Shelley)
Prep of Gifts: Love Has Come (Keyboard Patch only)
Holy: Mallet’s “Hosanna”
Christ Has Died: Montpetit
??We Are One: Doerkson
Amen: Montpetit
The Lord’s Prayer: Croskey
Lamb of God: Maher (Tracie cantor)
Communion: Your Love is Extravagant (Tracie)
Your Love Is Amazing (Shelley)
Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble?
Sending: My Redeemer Lives (w/ DVD)